Thursday, October 10, 2013
Parent Rant!!! May upset you and I'm not sorry!!!
What is going on parents?? Especially my moms out there???? I am seeing way too much negativity and even more downing yourself as not only a person but a mother. Who in the world is making you feel this way?? If it's society, you need to knock that crap off by not listening. Society has absolutely no business making your decisions for you, about you, or around you. Society is full of labels, misrepresentations and sadly, lies on what it is to be a person let alone being a mother.
Your ex? Unless you are "mother of the year", your ex will do and say whatever to make you feel bad. That seems to be the text book case with so many. Fortunately for me, I will never have that. Sadly, my bug's father could really care less about her. I say, thank you!!! Thank you for giving me the ability to have the right people in her life and the right influences. It saddens me to see so many of my friends having to go through so much just to try and keep a balance in life with work, household and kids. Hell, I have one and I'm about to curl up in the fetal position and rock myself!!! I can't imagine what having two or more is like and then on top of that you have to try and keep yourself sane. Listen my dears, NEVER let anyone take your sparkle!!! Ladies we need to keep our heads up and keep moving forward!
With that being said I am now going to anger some of you. I don't care. My opinion, my blog, my observations. You don't like it, then don't read. Plain and simple....
I am seeing too many of my friends and too many random posts on various sites where the mother is seriously questioning her ability of being a good parent. This truly angers me to no end because most of you that are questioning your parenting skills are absolutely fantastic and honestly who I am going to for help. If I felt that you are a crappy mom, do you think I would ask you for help with my kid??? Hells to the nah!!!
Another thing that just peeves me to no end, choosing one sibling over another. You CANNOT do this!!! By you choosing one of your children over another, you are creating such a disgusting existence between the two. Your children will grow up with so much animosity not only towards each other, but they will definitely have a lot towards you. Remember folks, your children are in charge of your care once you become elderly. Revenge is a bitch!!!
Lastly and most importantly, the mother of all pet peeves for me.....and this involves both parents....using your child as a PAWN!!!!! This is not Harry Potter where you play Wizards Chess, this is life and you DO NOT TOY WITH ANOTHER PERSON'S LIFE!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with you???? Are you that sick and demented that you feel that you need to use your child to get back at the other person? You are messing with a life. Plain and simple. Oh and hey, guess what??? It's not YOUR LIFE!!!!!!! Once you have a child, yes you get to rear them and guide them, however, it is essentially their life. I'm sure a lot of you don't agree with me on this but it is true. I'm going to have a hard time letting my little one have her own life just as my mother had to let me. One thing about this method, I did learn to be independent and I appreciated my mother more for what she did. She never left my side, she just encouraged me to make my decisions so that I could truly learn the value life and how anything I say, think or do does effect all around me. What happened to this practice parents? Are you so hellbent on anger and hate that you use and abuse that which looks to you for guidance?
My heart truly goes out to those who are in this constant tug-of-war with either an ex or society or even worse, yourself. Try to take a moment. Step back, look at the situation. Are you truly that bad? No. Do you need to be so hateful? No. Do you need to wreck everyone's life around you? No. Just stop and think past your own nose and agenda.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Never forget.....
This image will forever be etched into my memory and the memory of all Americans across our great land. It will also be a memory to those around the world who witnessed our pain and even worse, those who caused our pain. In this horrific moment, we as a country, cried out in terror and pain. Not one person can look at this picture and not be taken back to that day 12 years ago.
I normally do not get political in my blogs but today is different. This morning I woke up with my daughter smashed up against my back making her little snoring sound. Like every morning, I make sure not to wake her and start getting myself together. I always smile a little and leave the room. This morning my heart felt heavy. This day marked what seemed like the beginning of the end. I started perusing Facebook and of course there were already tons of "Never forget...." and many pictures to remind us, not just of the day, but how precious this life is.
Further looking in my news feed and I just started getting more sad, yet more grateful. I have a huge amount of respect for the First Responders, the Police and any person that took it upon themselves to try and help out another. With no hesitation. No judgement. It truly was a day of absolute union. It was beautiful and traumatic all at the same time.
One day, on the anniversary of this day, I will need to set aside some time to explain to my daughter why this day is important to us. To Americans. I read in my news feed where a good friend of mine was explaining this day to her son. It broke my heart to read that she cried. She cried because she was watching her son think, mulling over the information and processing what he had just been told by his mother. This little boy was trying to truly comprehend why would anyone just randomly do this. My dear young man, we ask ourselves this question every day.
As a person very proud of my country, even with our redheaded step-child ways, I want to ask any of you to do this favor going forward in your life. Don't just take the time to be humbled and grateful for your family and your life today. Make this a daily habit. Don't go to bed angry, make up when fighting, hug a little tighter, kiss a little longer, capture a memory. Never stop being grateful and never stop thanking those men and women who fight for us, protect us and care for us.
There is never a guarantee in life.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
I'm not a bad I?
I know there are several people who have always wanted to be parents. I honestly, was not one of them. I had told my mother at the age of 10 that she would never, ever get a kid from me. My reasoning? I didn't feel, at that age, that society would ever accept me and thus, never accept my children. Needless to say, my mother was a little upset by this declaration but I don't think she took it seriously as I was so young when taking my stand. Years later as she lived on, she realized I was serious. My younger brother had a set of twin girls, whom I loved and adored, but was not churning in me any need to want to be a mom.
Then sadly and suddenly, my mother passed.
Many years later and several failed relationships behind, I end up becoming a mom. To understand my shock you would have to know just a small tidbit of info. I tried when I was married. It was a no go. It was me, I was the faulty one. There was things that just weren't working correctly or some garbled doctor explanation that I didn't seem to comprehend. One one hand I was happy, on the other, I was mad. I felt like I was damaged goods. And now.....I was pregnant. And alone. I called my best friend to tell her because she was and is the only person that I have in my life right now who I tell EVERYTHING to. I was kind of asking her if it was okay to have this baby. Did I know it was going to be hard. Yes I did. But I didn't realize that I would not have any time to myself. I had been alone and without having to take care of anyone other than myself for so long that it has been an adjustment. Yes, I do love my daughter more than life itself. You can ask any of my friends. But I am still having a very hard time adjusting to not having ANY time to myself. I feel that I am missing out on what it's like to be an adult and to have adult time. It really sucks when I have to "deal" with it or "suck it up". I don't have the luxury of anyone really helping me and giving me time for me. I have a lot of friends and they love both my daughter and I. But they also have families and lives themselves and a couple of the ones that I would ask to watch my daughter are the ones I want to go out with. So that would be a no go. Just about all of my friends have raised their children to the stage of pre-pre-teen, teen to adults. Here I am. Starting a family at least 15 years behind everyone. It really sucks.
This is where I start to feel like a crappy person and a horrible mother. I know there are several mothers and fathers out there that want just a little time away but because of either time, money or lack of help, we don't get away and have time to ourselves. It is very hard to keep it together when you need to step away from the situation to readjust and reevaluate the situation. But what if it deals with your child? How do you step away? You can't. You don't. You suck it up, deal with it and pray to everything you find holy in your existence that you can keep it together. Don't feel bad for wanting time away. Everyone wants time away from the constant barrage of questions and wants and needs and complaints and crying. This does not make you a bad parent. This makes you a parent that just wants to make sure that you don't take out your irritations unnecessarily on your child.
I'm writing this because I know there are several parents out there that feel this way but feel that if they actually say it around anyone, you will get the look of scorn and shame. Well, I'm saying it!!! I love my daughter and I need time away from my daughter!!! I need adult time and a break from diapers, whining and fussing!!!! There I said it!! You want to cast judgement on me that's fine. I know other people will be shaking their heads saying, "I totally understand where you are."
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Getting my arse handed to me and loving it!!!
Yes folks, I've finally done it. I've finally gotten off of my fat arse and I have decided that I need to workout. Well, in all honesty, it's not that I didn't want to. Did you know that having a small tiny one causes the price of the gym to rise? Yep it can go from a quite affordable amount to a tad bit of an exuberant amount. It also matters where you decide to go. With my bug, my choices are very limited. Thus led me to do what I can as I can. Well now I found a way!!! And it's the best place I've ever been!!
This is not your normal, everyday, run of the mill gym. This is a serious gym with the most amazing energy and vibe! I have seen this gym on a number of my friend's pages and I thought the concept a bit archaic of sorts. Boy was I off!! It is a serious place with a love of helping people become healthier. There is no pressure, they want you to push yourself at your own pace and there is not one judgemental line ever given. There is a slew of different types of bodies and physical levels and it's perfect! If you go to the standard gym, it's a lot of walking around and making sure you are see. For people like me, we try to hide as much as possible because there is always that scornful look of how in the world did you let yourself get to the size you are. There are many reasons why. Diet, healthy, births, injuries, etc. The better question to this is, does it really matter?? No it doesn't. And at my new home, it really doesn't matter how you got to the size you are. It matters what they can do to help you become a better and healthier you. At your pace. On your time. This gym is not about the all mighty dollar. They are most definitely about the all mighty health!!! The instructor that I have had so far is truly amazing!! Very encouraging and respects the fact that right now, I need to modify a few of the moves. But I'm trying, pushing, going forward and not giving up!! And to have my best friend and one of my dearest friends with me during this new venture, is serious motivation and support that I am truly lucky to have!!!
Periodically, I'll be chronicling my way to a healthier me. I would love your input, suggestions, advice, recipes, encouragement. This is not just for me. This is for my bug, my heart, my life.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Back to School Time!!!!
With the hustle and bustle of the new school year beginning, I sit back and take a look at what I've been lucky enough to witness. There are several of my friend's kids that I have watch grow up to be the individuals they are In all honesty, these kids are great! Some I wish I had a better connection with and others I miss being around because of just the ins and outs of the day.
Looking at the first day of school pictures is always a treat. Sadly, I can certainly say my mother never took those of me. I'm not sure why or why not. I distinctly remember getting myself ready because I was too independent even for my mom sometimes. **thinking to myself** that's where the bug gets it from :) Do I regret not having my first day of school captured? Maybe, probably not because I'm sure the style of hair left a lot to be desired!!! None the less, I love seeing all of the pictures of returning students ready to be filled with knowledge, gain new friendships and make memories. A couple of the kids I saw I look at their pictures and I am just baffled!!! You are supposed to still be small and need help, not so damn grown that you are independent! One young man I met when he was 3. Kind of shy, very quite, sensitive in all the right ways. He was such a cutie!!! Now I look at him and my heart actually twisted into a tad bit of pain. Looking at how much he has grown and where he is going made me sad and happy all at the same time. This little boy who is growing up right before my eyes was the first kid to actually take to me and he was my bud! Now, he's got two amazing younger brothers, two awesome cousins and a love for my daughter. His change is the one that impacted me the most. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the bond that we formed and still continue to work on even now. All I know is that he will always have a special place in mine and the bug's heart.
On the way to daycare as I was seeing the buses driving by, parents walking their kids to the bus stop and car loads of uniformed kids, I looked in the rear view mirror into the mirror on the back of my seat and I see my bug. She is quietly listening to classical, as we listen to every morning, and she is just patiently sitting there. Waiting to get to school. Waiting for mommy to give her goodbye hugs and kisses and to blow kisses on the other side of the glass door. Sitting. Quite. Thoughtful. And my heart welled up and the tears came down my face. My little girl is growing up right before my eyes and soon I will be taking her to VPK and then to Kindergarten. I know it's inevitable but all of a sudden I missed her being small. I missed my friend's 3 year old. Where is the time going??? Why does it have to go so fast??
Congratulations to all the parents today that have taken their kids back to the first day of school. To the emotional, I know I'll be a damn mess, moms that too their babies to the first day of Kindergarten to the moms that are embarking on the final year of school before college. My hats off to you and my thanks for letting me be a small part in your journey into Back To School.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Here is a tiny back story on our roommate.....she used to live in Germany and had to come back here to the States for a transplant. I met her and then husband with their little girl who stole my heart!! Don't get me wrong, I love my bug but their little girl was my first love. got to where we became very close and my friend needed help so I helped. I was single, no kids, and two cats. It was fine. And I enjoyed it to the point of feeling like I had purpose. I would do my daily with gym, work, cats and helping my friend. Then transplant was a success and on with life. Sadly, we had a couple of times of losing touch but never losing sight of each other and we always came back to each other when we needed too. We are truly Yin/Yang in every way! Now the time has come full circle for my daughter to get extra mommy help from my friend and not only her, but her daughter as well!!! This just warms my heart!!!!
I'm very happy we will be leaving our crazy, loud, obnoxious complex for a nice duplex in one of the nice historical areas of our home!!! We will be closer to my daughter's favorite aunt, cousin, friends and of course her grampas!!! I love downtown! There are so many cute shops, places to walk to, I can take my bug over to the water, closer....waaaaaayyyyy closer to the beach and the best part of that??? I don't have to pay for parking like I did up in St. Pete. Just horrible!!! I live here and I have to pay??? I'm going back where it's quite, nice, and free!!!
I have some really great friends that have helped me get here and a couple that will be helping with the move. I honestly could not have done this without you nor have gotten here without your support and just butt-kicking that I needed!!! Thanks you so much!! I love you all more than you can possibly imaging!!!
Okay moving day...bring it!!!!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Trying to hold it together...and feeling like a failure
I don't suffer from postpartum. I suffer from depression. It's not bi-polar; what everyone automatically assumes. It's a real disease. It cannot be cured. It can, however, be monitored and with the right treatment and medications, quite tolerable. Now here is the tricky part....what are your diagnoses? See, you wouldn't think mine are severe and sometimes they really aren't. But when something triggers it, it's a mess. You would think that someone that suffers from depression would understand, but sadly, I have learned they do not. It's quite possibly that they have found a way to deal better or when something triggers it, they can recoup easily. Medication and a therapist is fantastic for that. If you have these two, you are clearly on the right track. For you. Not for someone else. It is great when you can talk to someone that suffers, but sometimes they basically want you to get over it like it's nothing.
For me, it's not that easy. Maybe it's because I'm too sensitive or too emotional. That's what people have told me, be it a partner or a friend. I'm just to get over whatever is bothering me and realize that things could get worse. Honestly, that is not what I need to hear nor want to hear. I know it could be worse. I've been in worse. It still does not make it easy to deal with nor does it make it right for you to say it. If it could be worse, then why would you say that to a person who is clearly under duress? When a person is under a lot and their depression kicks in, the last thing you need to say and what we want to hear is that.
I don't want any sympathy for this post. I am doing this for myself to get it out and to maybe show another that you are not alone. You feel that way you feel and you are entitled. Only you can control your emotions, granted with a little help sometimes, and you are allowed to take in what you want to take in. Not what someone tells you to do. I really hope that this post does help someone because it actually has helped me in getting it out.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
A Hugglemonster will always find a way!!!
My life took a series of crazy turns and ups and downs and highs and lows. I did it, I'm still doing it but I am finally to a point that I need help. I have been mentally broken and physically I'm working on it.....v e r y s l o w l y....but I'm working on it!
I was raised that you never ask for help. You give help and I have loved every single minute of giving help. I would never take away my ability to help my friends or anyone in need. Ever!! That is not my nature. My nature is to help and to continue to help despite my situation. Well, I think that is where I messed up. I think. But then I made the leap of faith and I answered honestly when a friend asked me how I was doing. It wasn't a "how are you doing I'm trying to be nice" asking, it was a "how are you really? I know you have got to be going crazy, talk to me." So I did. And I felt horrible. I felt that I should have kept my mouth shut but I needed an avenue to vent and to get it out. I had spent to many years bottling things up that doing so has made me mentally crazy and bodily sick. I spoke and then another good friend after another would ask and I would tell them. Then only person, sadly that didn't have a choice, was my best friend. But even she was concerned. I never felt like the person that really anyone would pay attention to and that was okay with me. I had my few friends, my daughter, my dads and I'm okay. But when I truly started to open up I was pleasantly surprised. And for those friends I thank you. For the talks, the suggestions, the help. I thank you!!
You may take this as, here's another mom just wanting sympathy or pity. And that's fine. But remember, this is my blog to do whatever I want with it and to write what I want. And you know what? There is a mom or a person out there that happens to read my blog for the fun of it or even to get some ideas or just to know that they aren't alone. You are never alone! If you can't turn to your friends or family, then reach out to me. I have a huge heart and I will always try my best to find a way. As I said this last line, what pops into my head? Henry Hugglemonster!!! My daughter's new favorite show and I'm not going to lie, it's mine too!!! But he always says that a Hugglemonster will always find a way. He's right, you will and I will always find a way!!!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
My princess, my hero♥♥♥♥♥
<p dir=ltr><b>I am in such awe of this little girl. I catch myself just staring at her and I'm just I'm awe.</b></p><p dir=ltr><b>It's funny when she catches me staring because she'll look at me and for a brief moment there is this complete understanding between us. In that one brief moment, there are no words, just a pure unadulterated link and connection. Then once that moment is done, she laughs and goes on to being herself.
</b></p><p dir=ltr><b>My daughter does astound me. A friend of mine, and pretty much family, told me that she had a thought or theory of my daughter. She said that everything that is good, happy, wonderful, and positive within me is the full embodiment of my daughter. These traits needed to surface and because I'm so clogged and plagued by so much negative and depression. So voila..... here's my heart! I have actually said that my daughter is my hero and then it hits me, I am my daughter.
I know for me and a benefit for her, I need to get a handle of my emotions and especially my depression. This little girl knows when I'm upset and she works on changing my mindset and deep down it makes me sad. She is a toddler. She should NOT take on the burden that I have on my shoulders. It's my issue to work on and when she looks at me, moves my hands away from my face and she leans in and hugs me. This little girls has so much love and light and she makes me realize I have this too. I just need to dig it out.
With my 14 month old's help, I will unearth my love and my light. She is my hero♥♥♥♥
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
This is it!!! She's walking....and I'm panicking!!!
Friday, May 31, 2013
School is officially out!!!!
So many of my friends have much older children and only a few have younger children. I am very grateful to be able to share in their proud moments and one day they will share in mine. It kind of a weird thing for me thought. I know that sooner than I want, I will be going to my daughter's first of many graduations and I will be that much closer to losing my "baby"! I know I'm extremely cheesy, but I'm allowed! I am a mother after all and we are allowed to be cheesy, moody, overbearing and all of that!!!
I want to take a moment though and wish everyone who is graduating high school the best of luck!!! Remember, it's life....don't take it so seriously! Trust an older person! Do what's right, stay on the right path and never regret...just do!!! For the ones moving onto the next stage of the game called education....congratulations to you as well!!! I know there have been many a nights where you have looked at your homework and said to yourself, "is this really going to help me in life?" Well....depends on what you plan on doing. But most of all, you are learning so never stop!!! And a special congratulations to the parents!! You know that each year that your child(ren) advance is just confirmation of your perseverance for your child(ren) to become great people!! Hats off to you!!!
I just want to say from the bottom of my heart to those I know, I couldn't be more proud and more excited for you!! I love you all!!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Unconventional Memorial Day dinner
So I decided to try this new Fresh Take that I had gotten a coupon for and I was pleasantly surprised. It was extremely easy to make you can make it with chicken, pork, or fish which is a nice alternative to your standard shake n bake which is normally just chicken and pork.
As you can see I got the Italian herb and parmesan which was pretty tasty. Even the little bug loved it, she ate almost an entire breast all by herself!! The next when I want to try is the barbecue one but I think I might do that with pork because she does love pork, thank goodness! Is something quick easy kid friendly and you can. With any type of side, you're sure to have a winner! Give it a try it's in your local grocery stores refrigerated section. I believe I found it next to the butter and or the cheese so that's a good place to start.
Give it a try and let me know what you guys think and what you pair it with!!!
Land of the free because of the brave
I just woke up with my little bug crawling around on the bed next to me and ihave to be thankful that I have the freedom to be a single mother with no judgement. Today is the day of remembrance. Not only a day to remember those of recent wars and current deployment, but we must remember those who have previously fought for our land, for our right, and for our freedom.
Please extend a warm and gracious hand to those that you see in uniform everyday and even those who you know I veterans who have fought for us. Today is a day to remember them and for everything that they have done and everything they have sacrificed for us. But I do hope that you will extend today to every day and not just make it one. Give a hand, give a help, give a thank you.
Everyone have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
I am one lucky momma!!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Four simple ingredients, one delicious meal! Kid approved!!!
I can't even state enough how hard it is for me to...1. find something to actually eat and 2. something that my 1 year old can eat. I am not a person that has a great relationship with food. It's wonderful, smells divine, but most of the time I don't eat. Reasons to be honest are still unknown after all of these years...or my entire!!!
Now, being a single mom that used to be single and all alone is a tad bit trying to say the least. More on that at a later time! So I see this amazing recipe posted on Facebook and I'm thinking.....Zoe just might eat this! It's pasta, her favorite, and she is a willing child so I can try the roasted garlic alfredo. Game on!!!
This dish is so simple and I just came up with it my self. I like to make enough for leftovers because sometimes I just don't want to cook and presto....there you go!
1 box pasta (I used Mueller's Hidden Veggie Pasta, never know the difference)
1 pkg. chicken sausage, use any that you like. I used an Italian one
1 jar Classico Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce
1 can mushrooms, pieces and stems
While I boiled the water for the pasta I halved the sausages lengthwise and then cut them in half to make it easier to eat. I sauteed the sausage and at the end added the mushrooms. After the pasta finished I tossed everything all together and dinner is served!! Of course if I had a tad more time I would have prepared a nice salad but it's just the bug and I so no need to get too frivolous :)
This dish was so good that seriously I had to stop us from eating!! Now that's good!!! Give it a try and let me know how you liked it and what changes you made. I like to learn all about different tastes for us to try!